
Sketchware pro mod apk [latest] 2022 version

After the release of sketchware pro this app has continuosly developed by modders in a best manner. This app has been added with many new features such as custom blocks, custom components and many many others. 
This app is being regularly released by sketchware pro team. and recently team released a new version of sketchware pro (christmas version).

 What's new in sketchware pro

Here are some release notes provided by sketchware team. These contains what is new in this version of sketchware pro.

-  AdMob Interstitial Ads (yet again). This time, you can start using Events just like with v6.3.0 fix1 and vanilla Sketchware.
-  Quick Previews of XML files! This was surprisingly hard to implement, as far as I can remember. View commit
-  A much better "About Sketchware Pro" screen, containing expandable Sketchware Pro version changelogs, and a work-in-progress tab to view Major Changes made to Sketchware Pro since v6.3.0 fix1.
-  Generated AABs containing generated ProGuard mappings if those were enabled. Useful when uploading your AAB to Google Play. View commit
-  The screen staying turned on while exporting a project. You can now finally leave Sketchware Pro working while resting. View commit
-  Images imported in Resource Manager and Asset Manager show previews now! View commit
-  Improvements to the Compile Log screen: It now has a toolbar, and features display options. Also, the last compile error will open there too, now. View commit
-  Being able to restore multiple SWBs at once. Every backup has its own "restore embedded Local libraries?" dialog, by the way. View commit
-  Backing up projects now backs them up into a folder with the name of the project. Inside that folder, the backups of that project will be stored. View commit
-  An updated version of the built-in Material Design Components / part of AppCompat for projects, which allows your projects to have a Material You style! That is completely optional though, and to apply that, you need to currently mess around with Resource Manager. View commit
-  ProGuard v7.1.1 in Sketchware Pro. Major upgrade is it being able to process Java 11 Local libraries. View commit

A ScrollView in Mod Settings and the Tools screen. Some small-display devices will benefit from this. 

 What is fixed 

There is a list of some fixes which have been introduced in sketchware. 

-  Custom Listeners not getting added to generated code. This explains the issues of v6.4.0 Beta 6 with many WebView-using projects, for example.
-  Exporting a project to Android Studio failing with "file not found" errors. What a difference simple "folder exists?" checks can make. View commit
-  Some devices having issues extracting built-in libraries, which explains the "…/res: No such file or directory." errors when projects are at AAPT2. View commit
-  Views, such as TextInputLayout, in Lists' Custom Views (e.g. RecyclerView), causing errors at runtime. This needed a patch to vanilla Sketchware's default generated Adapter code. View commit
-  AndroidManifest.xml injections after the default AppTheme not getting applied. View commit
-  Using multiple FragmentAdapter Components in a single Activity should be fine now, and its corresponding Block got changed too. Make sure to replace the current one with the updated one, or else no Adapter will be set. View commit
-  SearchView's onQueryText* Events should not throw compile errors anymore. View commit
-  AdMob AdViews not properly working. Note that now they show test ads when running your project, and only real ads when you export your project, just like Interstitial Ads!
-  Some AABs containing invalidly compressed files, most often videos or sounds in assets / res/raw-[config]. View commit
-  Exported AABs not containing non-class files from Local and built-in Libraries' JARs. Now they do.

Download sketchware pro v 6.4.0 rc01

To download sketchware pro v6.4.0 test build rc01 from this link 

Whenever a new sketchware pro version releases these are updated on sketchware pro so stay tuned to

1. Is sketchware pro stable
    - no
2. How to download sketchware pro stable version
3. Sketchware pro v6.3.0 fix1
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